Your project uses some sort of Source Control Management (SCM). Being that your project is using Maven there are considerations such as project version to take into account when tagging releases of your project. You want a simple way to "release" a version of your project. Normally you would edit the POM changing to a new release version (from snapshot), then tag the release in your SCM, then change the pom version to the newest version, and finally check in the new pom. Another consideration is the dependencies you are using, you do not want to have snapshot dependencies in your "released" project.
The solution:
Maven developers quickly experienced the difficulty of rolling a version of a project. Thats why we now have the release plug in. When you are ready to do a release simply issue the command:
mvn release:prepareThis plug in makes short work to releasing a version of your project. You must have configured the SCM section of the pom
Once you issue the command above you will be asked to give a tag name and the new version for the pom. You can also just hit enter to have the plug in use default values. Thats it, check your pom and you will see the new version. Check the source control and you will see the tag.